Managing Director
06 74 59 19 41

Associate Director
06 84 83 79 40

Ad-hoc audits
Post-tests, barometers, trackings, marketing mix modelling, many tools are available to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. These are the tools among others that CESP audits in order to ensure transparency and bolster the confidence of communications professionals in the research conducted.
First audit of a Marketing Mix Model
Marketing Mix Models are widely used by advertisers to quantify the impact of their communication mix. The media also use them more and more in order to demonstrate their benefits for the brands. Therefore, ACPM (Print JIC), Google and SNPTV (Association of TV groups) have supported the audit of Ekimetrics’ Marketing Mix Models.
(members only)
366 has asked CESP to audit its ‘366 # Panel’ proprietary tool that was set up and has been managed by Kantar TNS since 2015. This tool is used continuously by the sales house to conduct: principally post-tests to measure the effectiveness of the print and digital campaigns of their clients, but also ad hoc surveys to understand socio-cultural and consumer trends. The sales house wanted to boost its clients’ confidence in this tool.
(Members only)

CESP Visa Efficacité (literally “Ad-Effectiveness Visa”) was set up by CESP at the behest of the Union des marques (the French Federation of Advertisers), in order to validate that campaign effectiveness surveys and tools are aligned with some methodological prerequisites. Once a survey or tool gets the Visa, it is published in Le Référentiel(literally ” the Toolkit”), which is the first platform dedicated to Ad-Effectiveness measurement, launched by the Union des Marques in 2019.
Visa Efficacité objectives
Check respect
of methodological
best practices
CESP Visa Efficacité is based on 5 dimensions:
– Survey methodology design
– Sample representativeness
– Ad effectiveness indicator definitions
– Result accuracy
– Relevance of external and exogenous data injection
Controls are conducted through quaterly waves.
Sales houses, media agencies and research agencies can apply for surveys (conducted once a year or less) or for tools (surveys with exactly the same research design used several times per year).
Application process
The application form to the Union des Marques covers :
– Company name
– Survel / Tool name
– Context
– Objective
– Methodology
– KPIs
Required information
CESP will require the following information :
For tools : the list of all surveys conducted during the last 12 months, with fieldwork dates, brands and categories measured. CESP will randomly select 3 compaigns, which will be controlled with the following information for surveys ans tools :
– Questionnaire or list of indicators
– All the written reports : survey reports, presentations,…
– The sales presentation
– The raw and weighted data
– A sworn statement regarding change of methodology (for tools) and new fieldwork launch (for surveys)
After analysis, CESP might ask for complementary information. Candidates are requested to respond withing the next 6 working days.
In case of non-compliant elements are identified, CESP informs the candidate. The candidate has 6 working days to correct it and share proof of correction to obtain the Visa for the current wave. In case of unmet deadline, the application is postponed to the next wave.
Once a candidate gets the “Visa Efficacité”, a technical form is published on the “Référentiel” platform with the following pieces of information :
– Visa obtention date
– Media
– Ad effectiveness indicators
– Research agency in charge of the survey (if applicable)
– Technical partner in charge of the survey (if applicable)
– Tool or survey
– Fieldwork dates
- Data collection mode : CAWI, retailer sales …
- Sample size
- Panel (if applicable) : panel size, type of panel,…
– Incentives
- Number of cases during the last 12 months
- Characterics : number, minimum threshold to provide norms, transparency of number of cases in report
– Benchmarks :
Validity period
For surveys, the Visa must be renewed for every new fieldwork.
For tools, the Visa must be renewed on every methodological change, such as a new questionnaire, a new fieldwork agency, a change of survey universe,…