Invalid Trafic Grid

Invalid Trafic Grid

CESP underlines that this document is based on CESP trust in all information shared by each measurement company.

To navigate in a table :
– on computer : click on one of its cells and navigate horizontally with the arrow keys on the keyboard or use the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the table.
– on mobile : we recommand you switch to landscape format for a better display.

You can download the grid you want in Excel format while filtering measurement companies but also the global grid concerning the invalid trafic in PDF format, with datas from both environments filled.

Measurement companies are splited in differents tabs according to whether their solution has been accredited by the MRC (Media Rating Council) or not.

Web environment

[tabby title=”Accredited” icon=”fa fa-check-circle-o”]

[table “13” not found /]

[tabby title=”Not accredited” icon=”fa fa-circle-o”]

No measurement company have a not accredited solution.


In-app environment

[tabby title=”Accredited” icon=”fa fa-check-circle-o”]

[table “36” not found /]

[tabby title=”Not accredited” icon=”fa fa-circle-o”]

Updated October 11th, 2019
Integral Ad Science
1) Do you flag invalid traffic on a user level?




2) Do you flag invalid traffic on a site level?

Yes (app level)

Yes (app level)

Yes (app level)

3) Do you flag invalid traffic on a domain level?

Yes (app level)

Yes (app level)

Yes (app level)

4) What information is used for the IVT filter? (are they shared between campaigns, between clients?)Information from all media campaigns, analysis is cross platform/client/campaignsIAS sees up to 10 billion impressions and trillions of events a day, from around the world. Their machine learning technology becomes smarter as it gets more data from advertisers and publishers. IAS clients don’t just benefit from the data they contribute but also from fraud detection results across the ecosystem. Additionally, IAS conducts offline technical research into apps and in-app inventory to identify suspicious activity.IP Addresses marked as invalid for 12 hours are shared globally within Meetrics.
5) Do you use Machine Learning methods for IVT filtering?




6) How often do you refresh the IVT filter parameters? (For instance, when an IP address is blacklisted, how long is it blacklisted for?)DailyOnce traffic is identified as IVT, IAS places the source utilized to identify the suspicious activity onto a blacklist. The IP blacklist is refreshed once a day to ensure accuracy, and new sources are added to it in near real time.IP addresses are refreshed after 12 hours
7) Do you filter on auto-refresh impressions considering an excessive refresh rate as a risk of IVT?




8) Do you partner with other companies to help you detect Invalid Traffic?  




9) Are you able to prevent ads from being viewed post-bid?




10) Has your solution been accredited by MRC for Sophisticated Invalid Traffic?
N.B: MRC Accreditation for General Invalid Traffic is included in the viewability accreditation




a) If yes, has your solution been continuously accredited since your first accreditation?

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

b) If no, are you in the process of being accredited by MRC?

No (planned for 2020 with adoption of OM SDK)

No, working towards mobile SIVT accreditation during 2019 audit cycle

